Total Road Closure A429 Fosseway at Stow From 17 September

There will be a FULL road closure on the A429 Fosse Way at Stow on the Wold from Monday 17th September through until Wednesday 26th September. Although this road closure is outside our Parish, it could affect a number of you who commute and shop around Stow.

The closure is to allow contractors to install a new foul sewer into the existing main foul sewer within the A429. The road will be closed 24/7 as the excavation will be 2–3m deep and has to cross the A429 to the middle of the opposite carriageway. The actual connection will be taking place from Fourways Cottage (adjacent the Unicorn car park) across the Northbound carriageway to midway in the Southbound carriageway.

Gloucestershire County Council will also be taking advantage of the road closure to undertake additional carriageway works, so as to minimise any future disruptions and road closures.

Please find below details of the road closure documents and diversions:

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For  further information please call Highways Amey on 08000 514 514

Temporary Road Closure, A40 London Road Andoversford

Please be advised of the following temporary road closure:

A40 London Road, Andoversford & Dowdeswell

This road will be closed between 24th August 2018 and 14th September 2018, to allow contractors, working on behalf of Gloucestershire County Council, to carry out carriageway resurfacing. Works will be carried out overnight, between 19:00 and 07:00 hours.

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Revised Notice of Intention to Close the Old A40

Gloucestershire County Council has re-issued the notice relating to the closed stretch of the Old A40.

Ref: CD/64320

Dear Sir/Madam

RE: Revised Notice of intention to close part of 3/332 Hangmans Stone to Countryside Museum from the junction with A429 to the junction with 3/146 Cheltenham Road to Fosseway – Hampnett/Northleach, Cotswold District.

I am writing to notify you that due to an administrative error made by the Council’s publications contractor, the above notice is being reissued. Please find attached intend to  notice in respect of the above road. The Local Highway Authority propose to make an Order under s15(2) of the Road Traffic Act 1984 to close the road from the 9 October 2017 and the Order will remain in force for as long as necessary to undertake repairs. The Order will be revoked on completion of the repairs.

Should you have any observations in respect of the above closure please can these be sent to quoting ref CD/64320  no later than 6 October 2017. Please note any representations that may have been sent to the County Council in respect of the original notice are still valid and will be considered prior to the making of the Order. Any queries please contact 08000 514 514.

Kind regards,

Janet Smith
Senior Legal Advisor (Highways)
Legal Services
Gloucestershire County Council
Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TG

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Old A40 Collapse, Ground Investigation Report

The Town Council has received the following update from Highways about the collapse at Prison Copse:

“A copy of the factual report summarising the results of the Ground Investigation undertaken earlier this year is attached. This report sets out the detail of the borehole logs obtained from site and the results of the samples tested in the laboratory.

The next stage is to relate the borehole results to the surrounding geology and local geological maps. This results in a ‘Geotechnical Interpretive Report’ (GIR), which is being compiled at present and will aid us in specifying and procuring the treatment required at the site. As part of this we will confirm which budget the works should be sourced from and in what year works will take place.

The Geotechnical team are currently focused on making sure the Geotechnical Remediation Scheme at Horsley is delivered. Once the team have the Horsley work underway they will turn their attention to the A40 slip report and we will send you a copy of it when it is completed.”

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Old A40, Northleach – Notice of Temporary Road Closure

UPDATE 14/09/17 – This notice has been reissued with a new deadline of 6 October.

Please find attached and below a notice relating to the closed stretch of the Old A40. Should you wish to make any representations please contact Gloucestershire County Council direct by 14 September.

Kind regards,
Cat Crompton,

Northleach with Eastington Town Council

Ref: CD/64320

Dear Sir/Madam

RE: Notice of intention to close part of 3/332 Hangmans Stone to Countryside Museum from the junction with A429 to the junction with 3/146 Cheltenham Road to Fosseway – Hampnett/Northleach, Cotswold District.

I am writing to notify you that the above road is still closed due to structural damage to a retaining wall as such the carriageway may be in danger of collapse. The Local Highway Authority propose to make an Order  under s15(2) of the Road Traffic Act 1984 to close the road from the 15 September 2017 and the Order will remain in force for as long as necessary to undertake repairs. The Order will be revoked on completion of the repairs.

I attach a copy of the Notice to this effect. Should you have any observations in respect of the above closure please can these be provided no later than 14 September 2017.

Kind regards
Carrie Denness

Principal Lawyer
Legal Services
Gloucestershire County Council
Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TG

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Road Closure – All Alone – August 2017



The closure of All Alone for resurfacing has been brought forward and is starting tomorrow. The road will be closed to traffic from 30th August – 1st September from 0730 to 1730 daily.

During this period, Amey will not be able to guarantee access for vehicles in or out of the work area (solid red line on map) except in emergencies. If you normally drive into or out of this area during the hours when the closure will be in place, you are requested to make alternative arrangements. Please also avoid leaving parked vehicles on the road. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout.

The work is being carried out by Amey on behalf of Gloucestershire County Council – Amey Ref 22016513

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