There are 11 seats on Northleach with Eastington Town Council. Ordinary local council elections take place every four years and the last election was on Thurs 4 May 2023.

Vacancies that occur between ordinary elections can be filled by election, if residents ask for an election, or co-option.

If you are interested in becoming a councillor or would like to find out what it involves, please contact us.




Pauline Rigby, Town Clerk
Tel: 01451 (885349) – Mon-Thurs

Alison Rainbow, Admin Officer (Mondays only)

Westwoods Caretaker
Position vacant

Tim Dyson, Groundsman (part time)
Contact the office

Register of Interests

All members of the Town Council must register their pecuniary and other personal interests with Cotswold District Council within 28 days of taking up office as a councillor. The declarations will be displayed here when available.