Gloucestershire County Council has re-issued the notice relating to the closed stretch of the Old A40.
Ref: CD/64320
Dear Sir/Madam
RE: Revised Notice of intention to close part of 3/332 Hangmans Stone to Countryside Museum from the junction with A429 to the junction with 3/146 Cheltenham Road to Fosseway – Hampnett/Northleach, Cotswold District.
I am writing to notify you that due to an administrative error made by the Council’s publications contractor, the above notice is being reissued. Please find attached intend to notice in respect of the above road. The Local Highway Authority propose to make an Order under s15(2) of the Road Traffic Act 1984 to close the road from the 9 October 2017 and the Order will remain in force for as long as necessary to undertake repairs. The Order will be revoked on completion of the repairs.
Should you have any observations in respect of the above closure please can these be sent to quoting ref CD/64320 no later than 6 October 2017. Please note any representations that may have been sent to the County Council in respect of the original notice are still valid and will be considered prior to the making of the Order. Any queries please contact 08000 514 514.
Kind regards,
Janet Smith
Senior Legal Advisor (Highways)
Legal Services
Gloucestershire County Council
Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TG
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