Message from Carbon Neutral Northleach:
Since its inception in January 2020, we believe that Carbon Neutral Northleach (CNN) has had a positive impact on the community carbon footprint through education and the provision of information. This included a number of speaking events and a successful exhibition in September 2022. A range of articles and updates have been produced through the website, Parish News and this subscriber database.
Unfortunately the number of people engaging in the subject and contributing to the activities of CNN has dwindled and we have reviewed whether there is sufficient community interest to continue our work. With a number of resignations from the committee, CNN has suspended activities from 11th April 2024 due to a shortage of volunteers.
Whilst CNN can be pleased with what we have achieved over the five years, fresh faces and input is needed. There is an opportunity for new members to focus on any number of climate change issues from tree planting to car charging to solar panels to heat pumps. The refreshed CNN committee can decide how best to support our community going forward.
If there is anyone in the community enthusiastic to join the committee, including Chair, Treasurer or website/media coordinator then CNN can continue. Otherwise the body will be wound down with funds being conditionally transferred to the Town Council to use on suitable schemes.
Please contact Carbon Neutral Northleach if you are interested.