Gloucestershire Police have received calls from concerned farmers regarding dog walkers leaving dog faeces on farm land especially in fields used for livestock. If a dog has worms this can be treated but if cows and sheep pick up the dog worms this cannot be treated and the animals become sick.
The Police are asking dog owners to be responsible and pick up after their dogs in all rural areas and open fields and take the bags to the nearest bin.
The Police have been asked to clarify the following points:
- The law only covers public areas and footpaths across farm land.
- The fine of £1,000 is a maximum fine that can be imposed and this is only awarded at court if the dog owner refuses to pay the set fine given by the local authority. This set fine differs from council to council area.
- The intention is not to single out dog walkers but to raise awareness that if a dog has not been wormed then the dog faeces if ingested by sheep and and cattle can lead to severe illness and stillborn lambs and calves, costing farmers hundreds of pounds in the loss of their stock.
This message came from PC2201 Nick Westmacott
Cotswold North Local Policing Team