Town Council Meeting – Thursday 31st July, 7pm in the Westwoods Centre. All members of the Public are very welcome. Please note there are no meetings in August.
It is planned that the Town Council meeting will move back to a Wednesday in future and this information will be circulated when agreed.
Food Bank
We have been collecting food donations for the North Cotswold Food Bank for over a year. Regular donations of food are left at the Westwoods on the shelves in the foyer and these are gratefully received at the Food Bank. A list of suitable foods is in the foyer and includes long-life, non-perishable goods such as tins and packets of rice or pasta. if you would like more informaation on any aspect of the Food Bank, please contact or on 07879 375562. If you do not have Internet access, please contact us for help via the Clerk (details below).
Councillor Vacancy
The Town Council warmly welcomes new councillor Peter Mills, who was co-opted at the June meeting. Peter has already been working with the Town Council on matter such as youth provision and the Neighbourhood Plan.
Town Appearance
The Town Council would like to ask all residents to help with the overall appearance of the town. Although our grass cutters do most of the verges, some of these are still done by CDC or Highways and are not done as often. Please feed in areas of concern and we can get our handyman to check them out. In addition, the Town Council appreciates the work that people do to maintain the areas imediately outside their houses and hope that this additional work on grass, weeds and rubbish will continue.
Parking and traffic movement is becoming a big issue in certain areas across the town. The Town Council is trying to get a road traffic order (cost of £3,000) to enable double yellows to be put in certain locations to allow passing and prevent dangerous parking. Parking on junctions and unmarked bays can be dangerous even though it is not always enforceable. Therefore we ask that residents park considerately. In addition, following a walkabout, Highways have agreed certain traffic calming and pedestrian safety features which will be implemented later this year. The Charter Market sets up early every Wednesday and residents are asked to be aware of this when parking there on a Tuesday night. Please move parked cars from that area by 7am on a Wednesday morning.
Cat Crompton, Clerk to the Council
01451 861499