Town Council Newsletter – July/August 2014

Town Council Meeting – Thursday 31st July, 7pm in the Westwoods Centre. All members of the Public are very welcome. Please note there are no meetings in August.
It is planned that the Town Council meeting will move back to a Wednesday in future and this information will be circulated when agreed.

Continue reading Town Council Newsletter – July/August 2014

Precept and new Councillor information

The Town Council has voted for a new Councillor to fill the vacancy. Mr Laurie Colton has now joined the other ten Councillors to make a full Town Council. Laurie was co-opted onto the Finance Committee last year and has helped form the new finance figures for next year. All the Councillor contact details can be found on the notice boards or here on the website

Every year the Town Council requests funds from Cotswold District Council (CDC) in order to carry out its business for the Town. At the January meeting,  The Town Council  agreed the budget requirement for April 2014 – March 2015 and this forms the amount of money (the Precept) it will request from CDC. The Councillors are very mindful of the current economic climate and like everyone else the Town Council has seen a rise in basic costs. This year there will be additional costs because of the Neighbourhood Development Plan but the Councillors have agreed a 2% increase only. There are some reserves available and they are also watching the spend carefully. This will equate to an increase of less than 40p per D band house starting from April. You will be able to see the breakdown on your Council Tax bill of how much the different groups (CDC, Gloucestershire County Council, the Police and the Town Council) have requested.

If you would like details of what the Town Council used the Precept for last year, please contact me.

Kind regards
Cat Crompton

Northleach with Eastington Town Council

Northleach Town Council Newsletter – June 2012


A community photograph to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee will take place on the afternoon of the Charter Fair on Saturday 30th June in the Market Place at 2pm. Local photographers, Dean from Fat Beagle Photography and Heather from Chadwick Photography will organise the group photo. Everyone is welcome. Why not dress in red, white and blue or make a statement in a 1950’s outfit? Details on how to order photographs, including those of the Jubilee Northleach in Bloom floral displays will follow.

Following Cllr Patrick Sanders move to Cheltenham, the Town Council are looking for a new Town Councillor. If you are interested in applying or would like to know more about this rewarding and interesting role please contact us. The closing date for applications is Monday 16th July. Tel: 01451 861499

Information about the Town Council including meetings and contact details are available on our notice board in the Market Place. Further information about Northleach Town Council can be found here…

We are asked lots of questions about our community. This month we have had many enquiries about grass and hedge cutting. In Northleach we have a main grass cutting contractor and in addition Highways, Cotswold District Council, Bromford Housing, local businesses and residents are responsible for other areas. The result is that the spaces are not all cut on the same day or by the same people. If you have any queries about grass or hedge cutting, please contact us for clarification.