Results of the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

Voters last night gave the Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan their resounding support.  Over 90% voted in favour of the plan with only just over 9% against.  The turn out was 31% – higher than for other plans already voted on in the District. In total 448 votes were cast, 405 for the Plan, 42 against and 1 spoilt paper) 
Northleach is the third community in the whole of the Cotswolds to have successfully taken a plan to referendum, the other two being Lechlade and Tetbury.
This is a huge achievement for the Town and Parish – thanks go to all who have participated in the process and to the many many who have given their time to ensure its success.

Chris Hancock
Chairman of the Steering Group
Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan

Referendum: Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan – Vote On 21 March

Press release from Cotswold District Council

A referendum will be held on the Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan on Thursday 21 March 2019. The Information Statement and Notice of Referendum have now been published.

The polling station will be open from 7am until 10pm and voters will be asked: “Do you want Cotswold District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Northleach with Eastington to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

Only residents of Northleach with Eastington Parish are eligible to vote; anyone not yet registered to vote can do so by Tuesday 5 March at or by contacting Electoral Services on 01285 623002.

Find out more information about the Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan on our website, including supporting documents.

The public can also inspect documents at the following addresses during the times stated:

  • Cotswold District Council Offices, Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX – 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Northleach Town Council Offices, The Westwood Centre, Bassett Road, Northleach, GL54 3QJ, on display in the Foyer during opening hours.

The specified documents are as follows:

  • The draft Neighbourhood Plan
  • The report made by the independent examiner
  • Summary of the representations submitted to the independent examiner
  • A statement that Cotswold District Council, as local planning authority, is satisfied that the draft plan meets the basic conditions and complies with relevant legislation
  • A statement setting out general information about town and country planning (including neighbourhood planning) and the referendum.

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Regulation 16 Consultation on the Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan

Northleach with Eastington Town Council has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the parish. The Plan sets out a vision for the future and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally. This plan has been submitted to Cotswold District Council, and is subject to a six week consultation, prior to being considered by an independent examiner. The examiner will consider the plan and its supporting evidence, and review the representations made. Should the examiner find that the plan meets with the Basic Conditions, it will proceed to referendum. Should more than 50% of votes cast support the plan, it will be made.

The Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view on Cotswold District Council’s website:

All comments must be received by 17:00 on 17th October 2018. The comments form can be downloaded from the link above.

Commenting on the Plan, Steering Group Chair, Chris Hancock said “Developing a Neighbourhood Plan in a small but important rural parish in the middle of the AONB is a challenging task in seeking to balance the need for development with the preservation of the environment and built heritage. Four years of work have however produced an plan for consultation which we believe will deliver those things most needed – provision for increased parking and improvements to the town centre, the expansion and improvement of educational facilities, a “green ring” around the town and allocation of green space as well as a detailed Design Statement to assist in the future protection of our environment.”

Northleach Launches Formal Consultation for its Neighbourhood Plan

Northleach Town Council voted at its January meeting to go to formal consultation on its draft Neighbourhood Plan. The documents can be viewed or downloaded from

The draft plan will now be considered by the District and County Councils, and other statutory consultees. Members of the public in Northleach and the adjoining parishes are also invited to comment. The consultation period closes at 5pm on 12 March 2018, after which the Steering Group will propose any necessary amendments before the plan goes to a formal examination by an Inspector. If then approved, those in the parish will be asked to vote on it in a referendum.

Councillor Chris Hancock, Chair of the Steering Group responsible for its preparation said, “This is a seminal moment for the Town and the culmination of several years work with input from Steering Group members, the Town Council and many local residents all of whom have helped shape the plan and to whom I give my thanks.

“Put simply, our plan seeks to do the very best it can to give the town the things local people have said they want – additional parking to relieve the stress on the town centre and school, room for the school to expand and to enable nursery provision and the designation of land bordering the already built up areas as green space which will also help to create a green ring around the town. We have also created a supplementary Design Statement, setting out how the local character of the whole parish can be enhanced and preserved for the future. We hope that all the statutory consultees will give it their support and that our local residents will embrace it as a means of helping to shape the town in the best way we can in the years to come.”

To learn more about Northleach’s Neighbourhood Plan, visit:


Northleach Design Statement Is Published

The Design Statement (below) is the product of the work of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.  As and when a Neighbourhood Plan is adopted, it will form part of that plan. Meanwhile, it has been adopted by the Town Council and approved by Cotswold District Council.  It complements CDC’s Design Code as prepared for its emerging Local Plan.

Please use it to help inform your understanding of our local heritage, listed buildings, conservation areas and our special place in the AONB.  We hope you will find it a useful guide to ensuring a sympathetic approach to any alterations or development that might be undertaken, whether or not planning permission, listed building or conservation area consents are required.

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Cotswold District Local Plan: Final Consultation

Via a press release from Cotswold District Council on 24 June 2016.

The Cotswold District Local Plan 2011-2031: submission draft is now available for public consultation until midnight on Monday 8 August 2016. During the consultation period we would like people who believe there are issues with the draft Local Plan to comment online or fill in an official representation form.

To help the public during this consultation we are sending a newsletter to all households in the District which explains the criteria for testing the Draft Submission Plan and how the key policies were set up in line with national planning policy requirements.

To view and comment on the Submission draft Local Plan please: Continue reading Cotswold District Local Plan: Final Consultation