Green Economic Growth Strategy – Cotswolds

This is the first time Cotswold District Council has been explicit about how it wants to support and encourage our local economy to take ownership of its own Commercial Destiny.
We cannot have captured every detail correctly but the Economic and Business Team at Cotswold District Council have worked incredibly hard on this document to focus on what brings differential growth to an area and how to create a sustainable, green economy for the next 30 years that our children will be proud to grow up in and remain in the area with well paid high value careers. It covers:

The Green Economy
The Digital world with Cheltenham Cyber Hub on our doorstep – this is projected to grow by another £4bn as a market in two years
Agritech – a vastly changing landscape of new robot driven AI and aerial surveys; organic development and food research – we are world leaders in this area at Campden Food Research and the Royal Agricultural University (FARM 491 – Farm ED)
Directed Investment – including support from the CDC Recovery Investment Fund of £50m
Skills – linked with the anticipated £4.5m investment in the Applied Digital Skills Centre at Deer Park

I am genuinely excited at the prospect this brings – of surging interest in our District where more and more of our best brains are choosing to make their careers – whether working from home or starting up new business. The future looks very bright.

Your contributions are most welcome at

Please note the deadline for this 10th November 2020.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Dale

Cabinet Member for the Economy & Skills
Cotswold District Councillor for Northleach Ward