Food Bank Update

The Town Council are fielding an increasing number of enquiries about the Food Bank now that the lockdown is in place and the Westwoods Centre is closed. (Please note that the Centre was a drop off point only and food donations were then taken to the North Cotswold Food Bank for distribution). We hope that the following points will be of use but if you have additional questions please just let us know.

The North Cotswold Food Bank has a comprehensive website which explains how to get food
If you need food you have to be referred by a local agency first who will issue you with Foodbank vouchers. Details of local agencies to contact can be found on the link above under “Get Help”. The Food Bank manager has explained that although many agencies are remote working there are still electronic ways for them to issue vouchers at this time.

There are 5 food collection points which open on different days across the week. You will need to have been issued with Foodbank vouchers in order to collect food.
If you can support financially the website explains how to do this.
The Food Bank website details what foods they are running short of under “Give Help”

The Food Bank has requested that only people who are struggling to put food on the table use the service. The charity is unable to help those unable to go shopping due to self-isolating. If you are in this position please contact the Gloucestershire Community Help Hub for support on

Fruitcakes has kindly offered to be the drop off point for donations and has food available for collection.
The Cotswold Fosseway Lions will continue to take donations to the central store for distributing