Letter from Gloucestershire County Council:
Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, Section 53, Definitive Map Modification Order Application, Reclassification of Restricted Byways (formerly Road Used as Public Paths) KNE32 and KFA13, Parishes of Northleach and Farmington
Please find below a consultation letter, plan, and an information sheet regarding the above Definitive Map Modification Order application.
The consultation deadline is Friday 2nd August 2024.
Should not be permitted as there is restrictions around fields where you can walk safely with dogs off lead and children in the Northleach vicinity.
No they’ve already destroyed all the foliage there by cutting it so severe ,we can’t walk anywhere as it’s so restricted everywhere.
Can we see the application for the modification order. As the status is subject to a request for change then we cannot challenge that without seeing the grounds for such.
Explanation of restriction of challenges to change would suggest there are no grounds. Surely the application must be treated similarly unless we see it. Kafka must be laughing in his grave.
The application documents have been added.