Rural Crime Update & Survey

NRCN-Survey-Logo-400x335Unfortunately there were two break ins in Northleach over the last few weeks. Apparently both houses were unlit. Police advise that properties should be lit using timer lights when empty. Even if you returning at night an unlit house even will attract attention.

In response to concerns from people living and working in rural areas, the National Rural Crime Network has launched the largest ever public survey on rural crime:

The link to the survey is

They said:  “You don’t need to have been a victim of crime to participate in this survey just simply care enough about rural communities and the freedoms they give us to have your say. We all need to feel safe and secure where we live and this survey will explore what this means in rural Gloucestershire and similar areas across the country. It will give our rural citizens a powerful voice at a time when services are under greater pressure and are typically being drawn into urban areas of seemingly higher demand. Of course this fails to recognise the unique harms caused by crime in rural communities and this should not be overlooked (not just in terms of safety and security but in terms of health and wellbeing).”

Please complete the survey and feel free to pass the link on to others.

Community Transport Survey


If you live in or often visit the Cotswolds, Cotswold District Council would like to know what you think about transport needs in the area and how transport could be improved both for getting around within the area and to nearby towns.

To tell us more about what transport is needed for the Cotswolds and to give us your ideas, please fill in a short, simple tick-box questionnaire.

The surveys can be completed online at

Alternatively, we have requested some hard copies of the survey, which will be available from the clerk at the Westwoods Centre or from Northleach post office, once they have arrived.
Continue reading Community Transport Survey

Northleach State of the Parish Report Published

The Steering Group has reached a milestone with the completion of the State of the Parish Report.

This document lays out many facts and figures about the parish and summarises the planning policy context that will influence the detail of the Neighbourhood Plan in due course.

The report also includes a summary of the key findings of the Neighbourhood Plan Survey, which was carried out over the summer. The Town Council thanks all those who have taken the time to provide their views on the future of the parish.

The State of the Parish report can be downloaded below:

Northleach – State of the Parish Report – FINAL

Survey: High Speed Broadband for Northleach

Make your views count in a major county-wide campaign to bring high-speed broadband to rural Gloucestershire! With Government support, the Borders Broadband project is working to improve internet services in rural Gloucestershire. The process of finding a supplier is already underway – but first we have to prove there is enough interest from local people, communities and businesses. This is where you come in.

In the next few weeks, local Broadband Champions – volunteers from your community – will be out delivering questionnaires. Please take a little time to complete and return your questionnaire to the designated drop off point (details on the questionnaire) or send it via freepost to:

GRCC, FREEPOST SWC 0305, Community House, 15 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2BR.

To complete the survey online – or to find out more about the Borders Broadband campaign – visit the GFirst website Borders Broadband is also conducting a separate online business survey, which is available at the same address. If you live in Gloucestershire and run a local business, you can complete both the residential and business surveys. Your Broadband Champions are also on hand if you have any questions about the completing the survey.

The Broadband Champions for Northleach are Ian Ellison and Pauline Rigby

If you run a business in Northleach and can’t get adequate broadband for your needs (too slow, too expensive, too unreliable), then Pauline would like to hear from you.