Leader’s Update from Cotswold District Council, December 2014

Please find attached the end of year update from Cllr Lynden Stowe, the Leader of Cotswold District Council. It contains a lot of information about what has happened this year, including updates on affordable housing, recycling, employment and their plans for 2015.



You can find out more about some of the topics mentioned at the following links:

(Note: the link to the budget strategy survey in the Leader’s Update doesn’t work – you can go directly to the survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GW3J2Q3.)

Leader’s End of Year Update – December 2013

Please find below an end of year update from the Leader of Cotswold District Council:

Leader’s End of Year Update – December 2013

The time has flown since my last update and, as usual, a lot has happened in a relatively short space of time.

Budget Consultation 2014-15
We are currently consulting the public on the Council’s draft budget for 2014/15 against the backdrop of our Medium Term Financial Strategy up to 2017/18. Please encourage people to comment by filling in this survey now. The closing date is 10 January 2014 so that comments can be taken into account before the Council meets in February to agree the budget.
Continue reading Leader’s End of Year Update – December 2013