Notice of Public Rights To Inspect the Accounts 2024

Northleach with Eastington Town Council approved its Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ending 31 March 2024 at a meeting on 15 May 2024. These documents have been submitted to the external auditor and are now available to review.

Any resident has the right to inspect the accounting records and associated document for a 30 day period commencing on Monday 3rd June. Please see the attached notice for details.

Noticeof Electors Rights 2024

Statement by the Responsible Financial Officer

I confirm that the Accounting Statements contained within the current version of the AGAR and accompanying documents are unaudited and subject to change.

Pauline Rigby, Town Clerk & RFO
30 May 2024

AnnualReturnForm3PC_2023-24_e – Northleach

Bank-reconciliation – 31 March 2024


Document accessibility

We regret that these documents are not available in an accessible format. If you would like to receive the information in an alternative format then please contact us.