Following the resignation of Carol Stokes in the summer, Northleach with Eastington Town Council has a councillor vacancy, which we hope to fill by co-option at our next meeting on 18th October. If you are interested in this vacancy please let us know by 5pm on Monday 16th October.
Parish and Town Councils like us influence the issues that affect people in their immediate area and their day to day lives. We work closely with both the District and County Council to help deliver benefits to our residents, increase efficiency and cut costs. Our wide ranging responsibilities include the Westwoods Centre, allotments, Neighbourhood Plan, cemeteries, closed churchyard, Pavilion, playing field, play areas, planning applications, Charter Market and grass cutting to name a few.
If you are interested in helping your community and would like to find out more then please contact us or come to one of our monthly meetings to see us in action! You can also have a chat with one of your local councillors, who will be happy to tell you more about what the role involves. Councillors’ contact details can be found on the town notice boards in the Market Place or Westwoods Centre.
Cat Crompton, Town Clerk