The Town Council meet this month on Wednesday 25th March at 7pm. Everyone is very welcome to attend and there is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions. Information about upcoming committee meetings is posted on the notice boards in the Market Place and at the Westwoods Centre.
Local Elections in May 2015
Over the last few months we have been giving details about the May 2015 elections and explaining how all the current councillors will be up for re-election. If there are more nominations than seats, then the election of councillors for the Town Council will take place alongside the Parliamentary and District elections on 7 May.
A timetable of key events is available on the Cotswold District Council (CDC) website. In March we will post information and notices for the Election in the following places: the Town Council noticeboards at the Market Place by Fruitcakes; in the Westwoods foyer and on the board outside the Westwoods Centre. These will also be emailed out and loaded onto the website.
Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate must submit a nomination paper direct to the Returning Officer at CDC before the deadline of 9th April. Packs will be available from 23rd February and paper copies will be sent to clerks for distribution to interested parties. Please contact or contact CDC directly to obtain a nomination pack.
If you would like to know more about the role of a councillor please feel free to contact any of the councillors or staff whose details can be found on our website or notice boards. We would love to hear from anyone considering this as it is a rewarding and challenging role.
Doorstep callers
There have been a few cases of doorstep callers in Northleach over the last month. Following complaints from residents to 101, the police have been swift to act. Hawker’s licenses are hard to come by and the police advice is as follows. If possible do not answer the door to these people, never let them into your house for any reason, call the Police on 101, do not assume that someone else will be making the call, do not engage in conversation or share private information about your family or neighbours movements. Please notify any neighbours or family members who you think may be vulnerable to these callers.