Housing Strategy
A number of residents have been to view the display in the Westwoods. This will remain in place for the near future and all comments are welcomed. Alternatively you can speak to one of your Councillors whose contact details are on the Town Council notice board in the Market Place.
Dog Fouling
Unfortunately dog fouling is on the increase again. The Environmental wardens are visiting Northleach on a regular basis but need feedback on the areas to be targeted. If you have information please feed it in using the contact details below. If you have any suggestions on how the issue can be tackled please let the Town Council have your ideas. Irresponsible owners who do not pick up after their dogs will be prosecuted as this waste is unpleasant and can lead to health issues. Last year the Town Council sponsored a dog fouling awareness campaign at Northleach Primary School in conjunction with Cotswold District Council. The winning poster, to discourage dog fouling can be seen around Town.
Cotswold Volunteers
The Town Council has been approached by Cotswold Volunteers (NCV) to help promote their work. They currently offer a range of services to our residents. The charity, which has been operating for 30 years offers a befriending service, carer respite and transport support. NCV want to hear from residents who need these services and are also keen to hear from new volunteers who can support their work. They can be contacted on 01608 651415
Question of the Month? Why are the published minutes a month old?
The minutes of each meeting are approved at the next one. For example the minutes of October’s Town Council meeting were approved at November’s meeting. November’s minutes will be approved at January’s meeting as the Town Council did not meet in December. Minutes for all meetings can be requested from the office.