Various local sections of the A40 will be closed temporarily for ash dieback tree felling. The works generally take place between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30 on a rolling programme commencing 5th December 2022 where the presence of approved signage will indicate whether the closures and restrictions are in force.
The section nearest to Northleach is expected to be completed between 12th December to 20th December 2022 inclusive, (excluding weekends)
from 09:30 to 15:30 daily, there will be a two-way temporary traffic light system set in place, rather than a full closure with diversion route. Essential Ash Dieback work is to be completed at 2 different identified areas along this route.
Further advance warnings of dates/times will be displayed on site prior to the closures and restrictions taking effect. This order can permit the closure and restriction of the roads in any order, or simultaneously as required and it is anticipated all works will be completed by 24th March 2023.
For further information, please contact Gloucestershire Highways on 08000 514 514 or visit
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