Cotswold Young People Swoop £290,000 Lottery Investment

Young people in the Cotswolds are set to benefit from a range of new opportunities and activities over the next three years thanks to a national lottery application submitted by a partnership of youth organisations working in the Cotswolds.

The application led by youth & community organisation World Jungle and including key partners Community Mentoring & Support Service (CMASS), inclusion charity Active Impact, Tetbury Area Youth & Community Trust and Black Cat Community Café will give young people new opportunities for development, support and recreation.
The project called ’Cotswold Youth’ will include mentoring support for young people at risk of exclusion in schools, support to youth clubs, summer activities aimed at those making the transition from primary to secondary, leadership and work experiences as well as training and support for organisations and individuals who support young people.

The project, also supported by Cotswold District Council and the Cotswold Youth Network, has been over ten months in development.

Cllr Tony Dale, Cabinet Member for Skills and Young People at Cotswold District Council, says: “This is the most exciting development we have seen for young people in the Cotswolds since the New Leadership was elected to Council in 2019. It successfully brings together Youth Organisations, Local Activity Partnerships, Council providers, businesses and schools to benefit the young people who most need to develop these skills. 

“World Jungle has taken a huge leap in winning this bid to provide our Communities across the Cotswolds with mentoring, teaching, experience, learning and activity practice to promote a whole generation of new leaders from amongst our Young People. Well done Ben and Jane! A mega thank you to all our local volunteers and council officers who have helped to make this happen.”

The Cotswold Youth Network which is made up of voluntary and community organisations, district,  town and parish councils, sports clubs, arts provider, play organisations and housing associations all committed to improving the lives of young people and this group will be key to ensure the widest number of young people benefit and hear about the opportunities. 

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