Cotswold District Council is holding a consultation the emerging Local Plan’s proposed district-wide housing requirement. It sets out strategies for accommodating proposed development requirements , notably housing, up to 2031. It also covers issues such as access to services and facilities, transport and commuting issues, and matters related to the local economy. The public has until 5pm on Friday 19 July, 2013, to submit comments.
To help clarify the issues under review, the Council will be holding the following three ‘drop-in’ events for residents:
Friday 28 June St Lawrence’s Hall, Chesterton 2 pm – 7 pm
(Note: the main focus of this meeting will be the Chesterton strategic development site.)
Tuesday 2 July CDC Chamber, Trinity Road, Cirencester 2 pm – 7 pm and
Wednesday 3 July Moreton Area Centre, Moreton-in-Marsh 2 pm – 7 pm.
Residents are encouraged to come along to one of the events to join officers who will be on hand, with ward Members, to answer queries and hear people’s views. The consultation paper can be viewed and commented online at
If you need more information please contact