Cotswold Fosseway Lions Club

Lions club members are a local group of like-minded men and women doing volunteer work to support their community and others. In addition to this work we enjoy social functions, which are normally arranged monthly: it could be skittles one month, a meal out, darts at the local, or a quiz night, or something similar.

Northleach & Fosse Lions Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 8pm for a business meeting at The Cotswold Hall in Northleach. At these meetings we decide who will benefit from our available funds. These funds are collected via the monthly car boot sales which are held on the second Sunday of each month from March to October in Bourton, as well as seasonal bucket collections and other fundraising initiatives. Any interested parties are welcome to attend these meetings.

If you are interested in volunteering, leading projects, networking and having fun at the same time – you can do all of this and more as a Lions club member. Both men and women are welcome to join Lions. If you want to make a difference and know that the volunteer work you perform is worthwhile and appreciated, as well as enjoying fun social evenings, then why not come along to one of our meetings.

For details visit

Men in Sheds

Men in Sheds is a community activity provided by the volunteers at Cotswold Friends as part of their mission to combat loneliness and isolation within our community.

Shed Members use and share valuable practical skills to work on both community and individual projects, but the real value of the shed is the uplifting camaraderie and peer support that the shed environment provides to those who attend. Many Shedders are experiencing bereavement, poor health or loneliness.

If you would like to get involved, please get in touch. To find out more, contact the Shed’s Project Worker, Tel: 01608 698557, email

Have a look at the Cotswold Friends website to learn more and to see the 2024 Men in Sheds calendar.

Northleach Bridge Club

The Northleach Bridge Club meets every Monday at 7.15 for 7.30 in the Cotswold Hall to play duplicate bridge. We have 45 members drawn from a wide area. Our aim is to playin a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. We run internal competitions throughout the year, and enter for a number of national and international simultaneous pairs competitions. We are affiliated to the English Bridge Union.

Results and advance information can be found on our website

New members of any standard are always welcome. Many people play social bridge in and around Northleach, we can usually find you a partner if you want to get started. We don’t currently run a beginners’ class but have done so in the recent past and would hope to do so in future if numbers justified it.

If you’re interested in playing and want to hear more – we’d like to hear from you!

Contact: Chris Fox 01993 823131

Northleach Evergreens

The Evergreens is a club for senior citizens that provides facilities for education and physical and mental recreation for its members. The committee may admit any person who is 55 years of age and over who lives within the club’s area. The committee may also, upon recommendation, consider for membership any disabled person who is under 55. Club meetings take place on alternate Fridays in the Westwoods Centre commencing at 2pm and finishing around 4pm. If you would like to know more about Northleach Evergreens, please do give me a ring, evenings are best, and I will send you a programme for the year.

Jill Thomas 01451 860695

Northleach Historical Society

The Historical Society’s aim is “To encourage and further the interests of the residents of Northleach and the surrounding villages, in local history that is, the Cotswolds.”

Monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month (except July, August and January) at 7.30 pm in the main hall of the Westwoods Centre, Northleach. The current annual subscription is £12. Visitors are always welcome (£3 per meeting)

For further information, telephone 01451 860687.

Northleach Mothers Union

The Northleach branch of the Mothers’ Union meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:15am at the Church Centre, Northleach.

The Programme for the current year can be sent to anyone who is interested.

Northleach U3A

U3A – UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE – is a mutual teaching and learning body for people over the age of 50, who are no longer working full-time. It is a non-profit making, international organisation, established in 1972. Groups are formed by people with a common interest, who come through to extend and share their knowledge, enthusiasms and skills. There are now over 300 independent U3As in the UK, led by the Third Age Trust, a registered charity. Each U3A consists of groups of members interested in a wide range of subjects.

For more details contact Pamela Leemeijer Tel. 01451 860105