Council News: Mayor Appointed

At the Annual Meeting of the Town Council held on 5 May, the Chairman and Vice Chairman were elected for the coming year. Cllr Rob Platts was re-elected as Chairman and Town Mayor while Cllr Alan Wellman was elected as the Vice Chairman of the Council. Cllr Andrew Wellman is the Chairman of the Property and Premises Management Committee, and Cllr Mark Ogden is the new Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

The Annual Meeting was the last time that the council will meet online using Zoom. The regulations that permit remote meetings expired on 6 May and all future council meetings will be held face to face in the Westwoods Community Centre. The date of the next Full Council meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 23 June, when we hope that social distancing will have been relaxed, but these arrangements are of course subject to any coronavirus restrictions in force at the time. To ensure that our business can continue, we have delegated authority to the Town Clerk to make any necessary decisions via consultation with councillors during the intervening period.

There are currently five vacant seats on the council, so please contact the Town Clerk or any councillor if you are interested in representing your community. The council has many different responsibilities and interests, from community buildings to local green spaces.