Attempted Burglary, Midwinter Road On 29 November

Incident: 211 29/11/18

At around 13:00 on 29/11/18 two unknown males entered a property in Midwinter Road, Northleach via a window. They were scared from the property a dog inside and did not take anything at all. If anyone in the vicinity of Midwinter Road, Tayler Road or The West End has any CCTV or has seen anything at all then we would very much like to speak to you.

Please send me an email via Charlie.Symes @ gloucestershire. pnn. police. uk

I have also heard a few rumours whilst on foot patrol in Northleach that there is a spate of burglaries in the town, this is untrue so there is no need to worry!

PCSO Charlie Symes

(Note from the Town Clerk: There have been a number of people reporting on Facebook that someone entered or attempted to enter their properties. These incidents must be reported to the police so they are aware of the issues and can deal with these appropriately in terms of resourcing and reporting).