Update on the Public Consultation Meeting on 15th March

The public meeting on Saturday 15th March was well attended and people took the opportunity to comment on the site assessments that had been carried out by members of the Steering Group, Councillors and some residents on 14 areas across Town.

Cotswold District Council (CDC) had asked for feedback on four sites by the end of March. These key areas are – the Fortey House site, the field at Bassett Road, the field to the East of Nostle Road and the Ferrari garage site. These sites were identified by CDC at the beginning of the year as being the ones they want to focus on. At a Local Plan meeting in January, they issued Northleach and other town councils with a “toolkit” with which to assess these. The site assessments will be submitted to CDC this week.

The Steering Group had also decided it would be a good opportunity to assess an additional 10 sites which were previously identified as having potential for development. These are currently listed as “unsuitable” by CDC but the assessments will help to form part of the Northleach Neighbourhood Development Plan. These additional assessments will not be submitted to CDC but will be used for the NNDP in order to look at the whole Northleach picture.

In addition to commenting on the site assessments, people took the chance to comment generally on the plan and Northleach as a whole which is very helpful. We have collated the display information, site assessments and feedback comments and these are now available to view at the Westwoods Centre. You can continue to make comments on all of these assessments for the next few months and these will form part of the NDP.

Kind regards
Cat Crompton

Northleach with Eastington Town Council