Some Important Dates This Week

Wednesday 20th March between 6.15 pm and 7 pm – Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan information session. Do you have any queries about the Neighbourhood Plan before the Referendum on Thursday? If so, there is an informal question and answer session at The Westwoods Centre on Wednesday 20th March between 6.15 pm and 7 pm.

Wednesday 20th March at 7pm – Northleach with Eastington Town Council meeting. Are you interested in the Council’s work in the Town? Do you want to make a difference to what happens in the Parish? All the current councillors are up for re-election in May. If you are interested in applying to be on the Town Council please come along and see what it involves. This month’s meeting is the last one before nominations go in so its an ideal opportunity to observe and meet councillors if you’re not sure about applying!

Thursday 21st March 7 am – 10 pm at The Cotswold Hall – Referendum Vote on the Neighbourhood Plan. Please remember to vote on the Northleach with Eastington Neighbourhood Plan. Details on the plan are available in the Westwoods Foyer and on the Cotswold District Council website

Kind regards,
Cat Crompton, Town Clerk