Lodge Park is a unique 17th century grandstand on the Sherborne estate looked after by the National Trust. We had a successful year in 2016 welcoming 11,311 visitors and holding events such as the 17th century re-enactment group ‘The Household’. In February 2017 we will be re-opening for the new season offering a variety of volunteer opportunities.
We are looking for friendly, proactive people to help give an excellent welcome to visitors; share the history of Lodge Park as well as head guided tours around the Bridgeman landscape. We are open Friday-Sunday from 11th February until 28th May and then Friday, Sunday, Monday from 2nd June – 2nd October. We offer the opportunity to engage with members of the public as well as help conserve our local heritage in a beautiful part of the Cotswolds.
If you feel this would suit you then contact Lodge Park directly on 01451 844130. When the venue is closed (as it will be during the winter), please leave a message on the phone with your name and contact details and you will receive a call back as the property is checked regularly over the closed season. Alternatively send an email to lodgepark@nationaltrust.org.uk.
You can also find Lodge Park on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NTLodgePark/ or on Twitter @NTLodgePark.