Update – Thursday 21st May

I am sure you will know by now that tomorrow is Cat Crompton’s last day as Town Clerk. I know that you will join me in wishing her the very best for the future. We will all miss her in the office and she will certainly be a hard act to follow! When you work for a Town or Parish Council your name is everywhere on official documents and your legacy is held in the archives forever. We will not forget her diligence, patience and the positive impact she has had on Northleach over the last 8 years.

Good Luck Cat and Thank You for Everything!

Other news. Gloucestershire County Council are holding a Virtual Sports Day for children and young people on Thursday 26 May. If your youngsters would like to get involved in this fun challenge aiming to raise money for the NHS the details are on their website https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/children-young-people-and-families/virtual-sports-day-26-may-2020/

There seem to have been one or two teething problems with the booking system for the Fosse Way Recycling Centre. It is a new system which will take some getting used to and of course, demand has been very high this week. I think we will have to be patient and let it settle down for a while. I am sure once the backlog has been cleared and there is less demand, slots will be easier to book and they will be able to cope.

Can I remind you that there is no pedestrian access permitted on the gravel path on the Old A40 (closed road). There have been reports of people trying to gain access. Progress has been made there over the last few weeks and we look forward to seeing the road opened again in the Autumn. Please use the footpath to the right behind the Old Prison to bypass this section and head towards Hampnett. It is clearly marked.

Covid-19 stats for Gloucestershire as of yesterday. Confirmed cases in Gloucestershire were 1353 with 155 of those in the Cotswold District. Sadly there have been 220 deaths in the county. For NHS guidance regarding Covid-19 see https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Finally GCC has announced further details about green travel plans in the County. If you are interested follow the link here https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/gloucestershire-county-council-news/news-may-2020/council-announces-further-details-of-green-travel-plans/