Road clearance – Highways clear the main route through Northleach only. They do not have the resources to do side streets and most of these are usually cleared by the local snow plough operator as directed by Highways. Here is the link to the Glos Highways snow clearing map This link also gives advice on how to prepare for cold weather, looking after yourself and neighbours, NHS advice, Met Office information, gritting and the Government Cold Weather Plan.
Gritting – Highways will grit the main route only when the weather conditions indicate icy conditions. Highways are responsible for the road network and during adverse winter weather Gloucestershire Highways’ resources are focused on keeping the strategic carriageway network running, with priority being given to bus routes, schools, and routes with emergency services such as hospitals, doctors, fire and ambulance. In addition residents are able to help themselves to grit from the bins across town. The grit bins are being replenished today where necessary. Please find attached the updated location map of our grit bins. (Please let us know if your local bin is running low).
Locally – The Town Council try to assist Highways by ordering salt stocks, checking on the grit bins and trying to refill them when empty if there is stock available.
Gritting on pavements and footpaths – Please help yourself to grit if you want to use it on public land like roads and pavements. Please do NOT use it on your private drives as you can be prosecuted for that.
Can I clear pavements? This is a really common question and here is a link that indicates that you can, if you do so carefully.
Check on your neighbours who may not wish to venture out in the snow or icy conditions.
- Please use the following link for local winter advice from Cotswold District Council