Town Council Newsletter – October 2015

The next Town Council meeting is on Wednesday 21st October at 7pm in the Westwoods Centre. Everyone is welcome and there is an opportunity to ask questions. Between meetings you can contact the Clerk using the details below. Information about committee meetings can be found on the notice boards in the Market Place and at the Westwoods Centre.

Town handyman
Our Town Handyman Brian is stepping down at the end of this year and we will be advertising for a replacement. This is a part time role averaging 10 hours a month with the workload varying according to the time of year. The role includes some DIY work, grounds maintenance to support the grass contractors and ad hoc jobs as required. If you think you may be interested in this role please contact us in the first instance.

Dog mess update
Dog mess continues to be an issue in some parts of town but there has been an improvement overall. The new glow in the dark posters have had a positive impact along some of the lanes. Please continue to feed in any issues to the council office and we will ask the dog wardens to patrol any problem areas.

Trees and shrubs
The Council receive a number of complaints about overhanging trees and shrubs. Please try to ensure your garden vegetation does not impact on pedestrians and road visibility. Prior to doing any tree work, please ensure that you have the necessary permissions. Some of the town trees are covered with tree preservation orders. In addition, permission is needed to cut down or even prune trees within a conservation area and fines can be imposed if this is not done properly. Please contact the Town Council in the first instance for advice.

Councillor vacancy
Northleach with Eastington Town Council is looking for a new councillor to fill the current vacancy. This is a really interesting role especially as we near the end of the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Councillors have a real input in what is happening in the parish at a very local level. The Town Council has responsibility for the playing fields, the Westwoods Centre, play areas, allotments, cemetery and grass cutting. It also liaises with the district and county council on other matters. No experience or specific skills are required but the desire to improve or contribute to the local community is essential.

Mrs Cat Crompton, Town Clerk, The Westwoods Centre, Bassett Road, Northleach, Gloucestershire, GL54 3QJ.  Tel: 01451 861499. E-mail: